

  • 19
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:私营股份有限公司
  • 公司地址: 山东省 青岛 市南区 中国香港中路街道 中国香港中路社区 市南区山东路9号深业大厦8楼
  • 姓名: 刘芳
  • 认证: 手机已认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定

    Carnapol wax

  • 所属行业:皮革 皮革化工材料 涂饰材料
  • 发布日期:2020-11-25
  • 阅读量:2081
  • 价格:50.00 元/吨 起
  • 产品规格:7,10
  • 产品数量:50000.00 吨
  • 包装说明:20kg/pc
  • 发货地址:山东青岛市南区中国香港中路街道中国香港中路社区  
  • 关键词:carnapol,wax,carnapol,wax,10,wax

    Carnapol wax详细内容

    Purveyors of the world's finest raw materials and ingredients.Qingdao Ease Chemical is a sales, marketing and distribution company located in Shandong Qingdao, China, that specializes in providing quality raw materials and ingredients to various industries.We have sell waxes for many many years, and we know very well how to use waxes emulsion, we help a lots of leather plants to use Carnapol wax.
    Carnapol wax is used for making emulsions which are used in the textile industry extensively. These emulsions are coated on the fabric, yarn or thread. The coating lubricates the yarn and thread and imparts improvement in the tensile strength, which results in improvement in their wear and tear characteristics. Wax emulsions, when coated on a finished fabric also imparts soft feel of the garment.
    Carnapol wax emulsions are used for coating applications for paper, textile, leather, printing ink and metal working industries. If you are also interesting, please call us at 0086-532-89699880, we're Qingdao Ease Chemical.
    欢迎来到青岛宜氏化工有限公司网站, 具体地址是山东省青岛市南区市南区山东路9号深业大厦8楼,联系人是刘芳。 主要经营德国蒙旦蜡 美国蜡片 青岛宜氏化工有限公司主要代理德国、日本、美国、荷兰、闽台以及国内的优质基础化工原料、**胺、多异氰酸酯、多元醇、羧酸衍生物、溶剂、固化剂以及蜡粉、消光粉、炭黑、纺织助剂等产品。。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 1000 - 5000 万元。 公司长期供应德国蒙旦蜡,美国蜡片,皮革蜡,合成蜡,棕榈蜡,皮革助剂等,产品质量完全符合行业要求,被用户评为信得过产品,**全国各省市、自治,欢迎新老客户来选购考察!