Product Description
WARADUR? S consists of straight chained monocarboxylic acids with a chain length in the range of mainly C28 – C32.
General Advantages
High polarity, high hardness, easy to saponify, easy to emulsify.
High effectiveness at low concentrations: WARADUR? S is suitable for a wide range of plastics applications, mainly as external release agent, dispersing agent,
gloss booster and surface improver. WARADUR? S is suitable for engineering plastics, thermosets, etc.
Examples of Use
? Thermoplastics: ABS and copolymers
? Thermosets: Epoxy resins, phenolic resins
? Dispersing agents for colour masterbatches
? Solvent for black or coloured dye basis
? Polishes
? Cosmetics (INCI: Montan Acid Wax)
Delivery Specifications *
Characteristics Unit Target value Method
Acid value * mg KOH/g 135 – 160 ISO 2114
Saponification value * mg KOH/g 155 – 180 ISO 3681
Drop point * °C 82 – 88 ASTM 3954
Colour – pale yellow AA
Viscosity @ 120 °C mPas 10 – 15 AA
Density g/cm3 1.00 – 1.02 Ph. Eur. 2.2.5
Packaging and Handling
Physical form Flakes, also available as powder
Packaging Paper bag or Big Bag
Storage Store at ambient temperature on a dry place. Protect from heat/overheating and direct sunlight.
The minimum remaining period is 1.5 years and is defined as the minimum shelf life at the customer.
Thereafter, tests of the chemical characteristics are recommended. The maximum shelf life of 5 years is indicated.
蒙旦蜡或褐煤蜡 是指一种从褐煤中精炼出来的矿物蜡。褐煤蜡用于工业颜料、防水材料、粘着剂和光皮成膜剂(leather finish)中,有时也作为蜂蜡和巴西棕榈蜡的代替品。褐煤蜡非常硬,非常脆。褐煤蜡融化的平均温度大概为80℃。
褐煤蜡是一种**矿产,1897年德国较早开始从褐煤中提取蜡,因此在国外又称作蒙旦蜡(Montan Wax)。它是一种含有蜡,树脂和地沥青的矿物蜡。 亦称蒙旦蜡。由含蜡质的煤(主要是褐煤或某些泥炭),经溶剂(、等)萃取得到的一种含有蜡、树脂和地沥青的混合物。褐煤蜡的性质主要取决于原料、所采用的溶剂和萃取条件。随地沥青含量的增加,其颜色由棕色至黑色。熔点75~86℃,密度(20℃)0.98~1.03g/cm3。
酸值 【mgKOH/g】 ≈135
密度 【g/cm 20℃】 1.00~1.02
熔点【℃】 70~85
皂化值【mgKON/g】 155~175
粘度【120摄氏度,mPa.s】 30